“The War in Ukraine as a New Geoeconomic Context for Cooperation and Partnership in the Western Balkans” was the theme of the working group organized by RESECO and supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Serbia and Montenegro. The working group meeting was held on September 26, 2022, in a hybrid format.
The speakers were greeted at the beginning of the meeting by the acting Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Serbia and Montenegro, Tobias Ruettershoff and the Executive Director of RESECO, Stefan Surlić, who was also the moderator of this meeting.
Economic cooperation in the Western Balkans, economic and energy policy in the context of EU integration, security-political consequences of the influence of external actors and the war in Ukraine on the stability of the Western Balkans were some of the open questions discussed. The speakers at the meeting were respected, local and regional experts in the field of economics, political science and business – Artan Sulejmani, an economic analyst from Skopje, Jelica Minić, President of the European Movement in Serbia, Bojan Predojević on behalf of the Serbia-Germany Forum, Stevan Rapaić, a research associate at the Institute for Political Studies and Milan Krstić, a lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade.
The meeting provided a platform for experts to discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on the Western Balkans region and to explore opportunities for cooperation and partnership. The topics discussed at the meeting, such as economic integration and stability, provide valuable insights into the current geoeconomic context and the challenges facing the region.